Look for more, and fresher, fruits and veggies in your school lunch, thanks to a bill President Barack Obama signed into law Monday.
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is meant to help solve to huge nutritional issues for American Kids:
1) Childhood Obesity, which affects as many as a third of all kids.
2) Childhood Hunger, which affects 25% of American kids.
There is a lot of overlap between kids who are overweight and kids who are hungy: both groups don't get good enough food. The law will provide money to schools to help create school gardens, set nutrition standards for foods served and ensure that water is available at every meal.
"At a very basic level, this act is about doint what's right for our children," the president said at Harriet Tubman Elementary School in the [Washington D.C.] District.
- Taken from The Washington Post