Thursday, November 11, 2010

Schools Struggle to Provide Healthy School Lunches

The federal government is working to improve school lunches around the country through initiatives such as the National School Lunch Program. But many schools still struggle to provide healthier lunch options.

Schools run into all kinds of obstacles when it comes to improving school lunch - no on-site kitchen, limited resources, cost, etc. An article in Organic Authority explores some of the issues regarding providing healthier school lunch.
"In 2009, a study appearing in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association revealed 94% of school lunches failed to meet U.S. Agriculture Department's standards; many schools served food with excessive salt and total fat. And worst of all, the number one meal served in schools is chicken fingers and French fries. You've heard of brain food? That's brain dead food!

'I'm not sure why we can't sort this out,' Gerry Pugliese writes. 'American kids are already falling behind the rest of the world in education rankings, so at the very least - in a nation as rich as the United States - we can serve these little ones good food.'" - Organic Authority, "More money needed for healthy school food," by Gerry Pugliese.
Organic Fresh Fingers works with individual schools to help solve these problems faced by schools and set up a healthy, organic, locally-sourced hot school lunch program. All of our meals qualify for the National School Lunch Program, and we work to advise schools on how to qualify and register for the program without cutting corners when it comes to the quality of food served.


Anonymous said...

Really interesting article. Hope to see same more!

Anonymous said...

Really interesting article. Hope to see same more!

Anonymous said...

Really Gr8 ! Thanks For sharing..